
Macramé Tutorial: Create Your Step-by-Step Necklace

Learn how to make a macramé necklace from scratch with Fibra Bohemia

Macramé uses knots and a variety of cords (or other types of string) to create anything from clothing and accessories to jewelry. A few knots are all you need to make genuine hand-made jewelry.

In this tutorial, textile artist and @FibraBohemia CEO Carla Marin teaches you how to make a macramé necklace. Watch the following video:

Make a macramé necklace in 8 easy steps

1. Set up your cords
You’re going to need 20 x 1.6 meter cords attached to an 80 cm baseline. Start with a reverse double lark’s head knot. This is the main knot used to set up macramé cords. Fold your cord in half, pass it over the holding cord, then insert the loose ends through the resulting loop in the working cord.

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2. Start with a horizontal half-hitch
First divide the 20 cords into two lots of ten. Start with a horizontal half-hitch from the left-hand side. Take the furthest cord on the left and make a U. Pass the cord through the hole and fasten the knot. Repeat this process, then repeat on each cord.

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Now, repeat the process starting from the right-hand side. You should achieve something like this.

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3. Make a diamond
When you’ve completed both sides, it’s time to make your diamond. Start by knotting all the cords on the left hand side then all the cords on the right-hand side. Take a cord from each side, make a U, pass the cord through the hole and fasten the knot. Remember to repeat each knot to ensure it’s well fastened. Now repeat on the other side. It should look a little like this:

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4. Fill in the necklace to create a woven effect
Now that you’ve got your diamond, it’s time to fill in your necklace to achieve a woven effect. Start by weaving the cords in pairs. Take two cords from one side and place them over two cords from the other side. Continue by passing under the next two cords and then over the following pair. Carry on weaving over and under until you achieve your ‘fabric’.

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Repeat this process with the following two cords, this time starting underneath and then going over. You should have created something that looks like this:

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5. Finish your diamond
Once you’ve woven in every cord, it’s time to finish your diamond with a diagonal half-hitch.

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6. Create a second, smaller diamond
After fastening off the large diamond, create an original design by making a smaller one underneath. Take 12 cords from both sides and knot the necessary half-hitches. It will look a little like this:

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7. Create a bead detail
Now add detail to your necklace by placing a bead in the center. To do so, you’ll need to tie a square knot. Take the four cords in the middle of your necklace. Two will be your guidelines and the other two your working cords. Make a 4 towards the left over the two central guidelines; pass the right-hand cord over the cord shaped like a 4, behind the guidelines and push it through the hole in the middle of the 4 shape.

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Intertwine your square knot to create a second one directly below the one you’ve just finished. Position your bead then do another square knot to fasten this section and hold it in place.

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Finish off with another square knot using the 4 central cords. These knots should surround the bead. When you’ve completed this step, fasten your diamond off with half-hitches on both sides.

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Now add two lines down either side using 8 cords to create a diagonal half-hitch (on each side) to provide a final flourish.

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8. Fasten off your macramé necklace
Now finish your necklace with a square knot. You’ll need a separate cord measuring about 25 centimeters. Place it over the two cords on the far ends and join them together with two square knots.

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You should be left with something that looks like this:

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Cut the two cords in the center as close as possible to the knot and add a dab of glue to stop them from coming undone. You can use this fastening to adjust your necklace. Finally, give your creation a little weight by adding a bead to each end.

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Enjoy this tutorial? If you want to learn the basic knots you need to create unique accessories and textile designs with Fibra Bohemia, don’t miss her online tutorial: Macramé Jewelry.

You may be interested in:

- Macramé Knots: Create a Sample Collection, a course by Belén Senra.
- Macramé: Basic and Complex Knots, a course by Mariella Motilla.
- Macramé Accessory Design, a course by Belén Senra.

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