@taflorez Hello! They work by the capillarity principle since it is porous ceramic. The bottles are planted in the pots, they are filled with water and the roots absorb the water they need through the porous ceramic. The pots work the same, the stems are planted around the reserve and the roots absorb the water. It is a great system because the plants are self-regulating and a lot of water is saved since there is no evaporation :)
@taflorez That's right, they only have the little hole at the top, where the reservation is filled. They don't have a hole at the bottom peak, but the mud is porous and the plants absorb the water through those pores;)
How are they used ?
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Teacher Plus@taflorez Hello! They work by the capillarity principle since it is porous ceramic. The bottles are planted in the pots, they are filled with water and the roots absorb the water they need through the porous ceramic. The pots work the same, the stems are planted around the reserve and the roots absorb the water. It is a great system because the plants are self-regulating and a lot of water is saved since there is no evaporation :)
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I love the concept and I love the colorful design.
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@clarinaceramics does that mean it only has a little hole at the top?
ohh WOW
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@becaxdiez @clarinaceramics by the way. the enamelling is beautiful, it is slip, watered =, how do you do it?
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Teacher Plus@taflorez That's right, they only have the little hole at the top, where the reservation is filled. They don't have a hole at the bottom peak, but the mud is porous and the plants absorb the water through those pores;)
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Teacher Plus@taflorez thank you very much! It is slip and clear enamel on top!
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